CS Shoe Boxup
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONExperience CS Shoe Boxup Manufacturers in Hyderabad, Telangana, India Classique collections another style-invincible, developed from 12 mm multi-layer high pressure Compact Laminate to give unparalleled performance and a stainless steel top rail for providing extra strength and stability. Experience CS Shoe Boxup Distributor This 12 mm shoe box up model replaces the standard adjustable foot with a cleaner stainless steel box, located at the bottom to provide a clean line design. Rest of the hardwares like hinges, locks, door knobs and coat hooks are also produced in stainless steel. Thus, 12 mm or 18mm shoe box up model is the perfect selection for your restroom space designing.
Stainless Steel Shone Box Up
Stainless Steel Gravity Hinge
Head Rail Tubular Holder
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